Specification for Fire Test for Valves. The standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of API Spec 6A and Spec 6D valves when exposed to specifically defined fire conditions.
ASTM E94 – 04(2010)
Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination.Within the present state of the radiographic art, this guide is generally applicable to available materials, processes, and techniques where industrial radiographic films are used as the recording media.
ASTM E138-63 (1976) (obsolète)
Method for Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection (Withdrawn 1981) REPLACED BY E709
ASTM E142-92 (obsolète)
ASTM E142-92 Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing WITHDRAWN, REPLACED BY E94
This standard covers inspection, examination, supplementary examinations, and pressure test requirements for resilient-seated, nonmetallic-seated (e.g. ceramic), and metal-to-metal-seated valves of the gate, globe, plug, ball, check, and butterfly types. Resilient seats are considered to be:
a) soft seats, both solid and semi-solid grease type (e.g. lubricated plug);
b) combination soft and metal seats;
c) any other type valve designed to meet resilient seat leakage rates as specified in Table 6.
API 598 supplements the API standards that reference it, but it may also be applied to other types of valves by agreement between the purchaser and the valve manufacturer.
The inspection requirements pertain to examinations and testing by the valve manufacturer and any supplementary examinations that the purchaser may require at the valve manufacturer’s plant. The test requirements cover both required and optional pressure tests at the valve manufacturer’s plant, or at a facility mutually agreeable to both the manufacturer and purchaser.
The following tests and examinations are specified in this standard:
a) shell test,
b) backseat test,
c) low-pressure closure test,
d) high-pressure closure test,
e) double block and bleed high-pressure closure test,
f) visual examination of castings by the manufacturer,
g) high-pressure pneumatic shell test.
API 600
Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves for Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries – voir la norme plus bas dans la liste ISO 10434:2004.
API Std 602
Steel Gate, Globe and Check Valves for Sizes DN 100 and Smaller for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Ninth Edition standard published 10/01/2009
This international standard specifies the requirements for a series of compact steel gate, globe and check valves for petroleum and natural gas industry applications.
It is applicable to valves of:
nominal pipe sizes NPS 1/4, NPS 3/8, NPS 1/2, NPS 3/4, NPS 1, NPS 1 1/4, NPS 1 1/2, NPS 2, NPS 2 1/2, NPS 3, and NPS 4;
corresponding to nominal sizes DN 8, DN 10, DN 15, DN 20, DN 25, DN 32, DN 40, DN 50, DN 65, DN 80, and DN 100.
It is also applicable to pressure designations of Class 150, Class 300, Class 600, Class 800 and Class 1500.
Class 800 is not a listed class designation, but is an intermediate class number widely used for socket welding and threaded end compact valves.
API 608
Metal Ball Valves—Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends
1.1 This standard specifies the requirements for metal ball valves suitable for petroleum, petrochemical and
industrial applications that have:
— flanged ends in sizes DN 15 through DN 600 ( NPS 1/2 through NPS 24);
— butt-welding ends in sizes DN 15 through DN 600 (NPS 1/2 through NPS 24);
— socket-welding ends in sizes DN 8 through DN 50 ( NPS 1/4 through NPS 2);
— threaded ends in sizes DN 8 through DN 50 ( NPS 1/4 through NPS 2).
Corresponding to the nominal pipe sizes in ASME B36.10M.
1.4 This standard applies to floating (seat-supported) ball (Figure B.1) and trunnion ball valve designs (Figure B.2).
These figures are to be used only for the purpose of establishing standard nomenclature for valve components—
other floating and trunnion designs also exist.
1.5 This standard establishes additional requirements for ball valves that are otherwise in full conformance to the
requirements of ASME B16.34, Standard Class, for class rated valves, and EN 12516 for PN rated valves.
ASTM E709 – 08
Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing. This guide describes techniques for both dry and wet magnetic particle testing, a nondestructive method for detecting cracks and other discontinuities at or near the surface in ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic particle testing may be applied to raw material, semifinished material (billets, blooms, castings, and forgings), finished material and welds, regardless of heat treatment or lack thereof. It is useful for preventive maintenance testing.
BS EN 1160:1997
Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas. General characteristics of liquefied natural gas. Installations et équipments relatifs au gaz naturel liquéfié. Caractéristiques générales du gaz naturel liquéfié
ISO 5208:2008
Robinetterie industrielle — Essais sous pression des appareils de robinetterie métalliquesI Industrial valves — Pressure testing of valves
ISO 5210:1991
Robinetterie industrielle — Raccordement des actionneurs multi-tours aux appareils de robinetterie
ISO 5211:2001
Robinetterie industrielle — Raccordement des actionneurs à fraction de tour
ISO 5752:1982
Appareils de robinetterie métalliques utilisés dans les tuyauteries à brides — Dimensions face-à-face et face-à-axe
BS 6364:1984
Specification for valves for cryogenic service. Specifies requirements supplementary to those in the applicable valve product standards when the valves are used for cryogenic service. Applies to the size range DN 15 to the maximum size in the applicable product standards and in the temperature range of -50°C to -196°C.
ISO 10434:2004
Robinets-vannes en acier à chapeau boulonné pour les industries du pétrole, de la pétrochimie et les industries connexes
L’ISO 10434:2004 spécifie les exigences pour une large gamme de robinets-vannes en acier à chapeau boulonné pour les raffineries de pétrole et applications connexes pour lesquelles la corrosion, l’érosion et autres conditions relatives au service impliqueraient l’utilisation d’orifices de passage intégral, de parois épaisses et de tiges de grands diamètres. Elle donne les exigences pour les éléments des robinets-vannes suivants: chapeau boulonné, tige à filetage extérieur et arcade, tiges montantes, volants non montants, obturateur à simple ou double opercule, sièges obliques ou parallèles, surfaces de portées métalliques, et extrémités à brides ou à souder en bout.
Elle est applicable aux appareils de robinetterie de diamètres nominaux DN 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 et 600, correspondant aux dimensions nominales de tuyauterie NPS 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 et 24. Elle est applicable pour les désignations de pressions Class 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500 et 2500.
ISO 10497:2010
Essais des appareils de robinetterie — Exigences de l’essai au feu
NF EN 12567 Octobre 2000
Robinetterie industrielle – Robinets de sectionnement pour GNL – Prescriptions d’aptitude à l’emploi et vérifications s’y rapportant
La présente Norme européenne spécifie les exigences générales de performance des robinets de sectionnement (robinets-vannes, robinets à soupape, robinets à tournant cylindrique, conique ou sphérique et robinets papillon,…) utilisés pour la production, le stockage, le transport (par tuyauterie de transport, rail, route ou mer) du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL). Les appareils de robinetterie GNL pour les équipements de remplissage de réservoirs de véhicules sont exclus du domaine d’application de la présente norme. La gamme des DN s’étend de DN 8 à DN 1000. La gamme des PN s’étend du PN 16 au PN 100. La gamme des Class s’étend de la Class 150 à la Class 900. La gamme de température s’étend de – 196 °C à + 60 °C.
ISO 14313:2007 Décembre 2007
Industries du petrole et du gaz naturel – Systèmes de transport par conduites – Robinets de conduites / Petroleum and natural gas industries – Pipeline transportation systems – Pipeline valves
NF EN ISO 15156-1 Août 2011
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel – Matériaux pour utilisation dans des environnements contenant de l’hydrogène sulfuré (H2S) dans la production de pétrole et de gaz
ISO 15761 : 2002
Robinets-vannes, robinets à soupape et clapets de non-retour en acier de dimensions DN 100 et inférieures, pour les industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel.
L’ISO 15761 spécifie les exigences pour une série de robinets-vannes, robinets à soupape et clapets de non-retour, en acier massif, pour des applications dans les industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel. Elle est applicable aux appareils de robinetterie de diamètres nominaux DN 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80 et 100; correspondant aux dimensions nominales de tuyauterie NPS 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3 et 4; et pour les désignations de pressions «Class» 150, 300, 600, 800 et 1500.
Elle contient des dispositions relatives aux caractéristiques d’une large gamme d’appareils de robinetterie et est applicable aux extrémités à brides des appareils de robinetterie conformes à l’ASME B16.5 et aux extrémités de corps des appareils de robinetterie à filetages coniques définis dans l’ISO 7-1 ou dans l’ASME B1.20.1.
ISO 15848-1:2006
Robinetterie industrielle — Mesurage, essais et modes opératoires de qualification pour émissions fugitives — Partie 1: Système de classification et modes opératoires de qualification pour les essais de type des appareils de robinetterie
ISO 15848-2:2006
Robinetterie industrielle — Mesurage, essais et modes opératoires de qualification pour émissions fugitives — Partie 2: Essais de réception en production des appareils de robinetterie
ISO 17292:2004
Metal ball valves for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries. L‘ISO 17292:2004 spécifie les exigences pour une série de robinets à tournant sphérique métalliques appropriés aux installations pétrolières, pétrochimiques et de gaz naturel, ainsi qu’aux applications industrielles connexes. Elle est applicable aux appareils de robinetterie de diamètres nominaux DN 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, correspondant aux dimensions nominales de tuyauterie NPS 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 et 20, et s’applique aux désignations de pressions Class 150, 300, 600, 800 (ce dernier s’appliquant uniquement aux appareils de robinetterie à extrémités filetées et à emboîter et à souder), et PN 16, 25, 40.
ISO 21010:2014
Cryogenic vessels — Gas/materials compatibility
ISO 21011:2008
Récipients cryogéniques — Robinets pour usage cryogénique, Cryogenic vessels — Valves for cryogenic service, The ISO 21011:2008 specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of valves for a rated temperature of -40 °C and below (cryogenic service), i.e. for operation with cryogenic fluids in addition to operation at temperatures from ambient to cryogenic. The ISO 21011:2008 applies to all types of cryogenic valves, including vacuum jacketed cryogenic valves up to size DN 150.
ISO 21028-1:2004
Récipients cryogéniques — Exigences de ténacité pour les matériaux à température cryogénique — Partie 1: Températures inférieures à -80 degrés C, ISO 21028-1, Cryogenic vessels — Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature — Part 1: Temperatures below −80 degrees C
ISO 21028-2:2004
Récipients cryogéniques — Exigences de ténacité pour les matériaux à température cryogénique — Partie 2: Températures comprises entre -80 degrés C et -20 degrés C, ISO 21028-2, Cryogenic vessels — Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature — Part 2: Temperatures between −80 degrees C and −20 degrees C
ISO 23208:2005
Récipients cryogéniques — Propreté en service cryogénique / Cryogenic vessels. Cleanliness for cryogenic service.
ISO 28921-1:2013
L’ ISO 28921 spécifie les exigences relatives à la conception, aux dimensions, aux matériaux, à la fabrication et aux essais de production des robinets d’isolement pour application à basses températures. Elle s’applique aux robinets-vannes, aux robinets à soupape, aux clapets de non-retour, aux robinets à papillon et aux robinets à tournant sphérique et peut être utilisée pour d’autres types d’appareils de robinetterie destinés à un usage à basses températures. L’ISO 28921-1:2013 traite des robinets d’isolement destinés à un usage à basses températures pour lesquels la température de calcul est comprise entre -50 °C et -196 °C. Elle traite des appareils de robinetterie dont le corps, le chapeau, l’extension du chapeau ou le couvercle sont en matériaux métalliques.
ISO 28921-2:2015
ISO 28921-2:2015. Industrial valves. Isolating valves for low-temperature applications. Type testing
ISO TC 67 WG 10
( Elaboration des normes / Comités techniques )
Installations et équipements relatifs au gaz naturel liquéfié / Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) installations and equipment
GOST R Russie
il est incorrect de parler encore en 2014 de Gost R « Russie », il existe une liste claire de certificats nécessaires pour rentrer dans l’Union Douanière (CU). Certains peuvent être très longs à obtenir, jusque 6 mois ! Des projets d’envergure comme Yamal demandent une précision documentaire sans faille. Le But étant de livrer et facturer des marchandises conformes aux exigences de la règlementation en vigueur sur le territoire de la Fédération Russe. Le 15 Mars 2015 nous livrerons et installerons des équipements conformes.
Certification GOST R : conformité du produit aux normes de la Fédération de Russie est requis pour procéder au dédouanement.
Certification GOST TR CU CoC : » Technical Regulations Custom Union Certificate of Conformity : 3 years validity Manufacturer application allowed,programme Tacis « Harmonisation des législations UE – Russie »
Certification GOST TR CU DoC : » Technical Regulations Custom Union Declaration of Conformity » 3 years validity Local Holder required
Certification GOST R EX : Dispositifs utilisés dans les installations de production dangereuses. Ex-proof (explosion proof)
Certification GOST TR EX : Dispositifs techniques utilisés dans les installations de production dangereuses. Ex-proof (explosion proof)
Gost R PAC : Pattern Approval Certificate for Measuring Instruments ( Métrologie )
RTN permit of Use RosTechNadzor : remplace le GGTN, permet à cet équipement de fonctionner dans des installations de production dangereuses et donc la mise en exploitation.
Exemption Letter : uniquement émise en cas de doute sur la classification de l’équipement par le « Russia Research and Development Certification Institutes »
Industrial safety Conclusion : effectuée par un Third Party apprové par le « Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision ». la conclusion sert à l’obtention du » RTN permit of Use RosTechNadzor »
Valve standards from API – the American Petroleum Institute:
Specification for Pipeline Valves. API Specification 6D is an adoption of ISO 14313: 1999, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries-Pipeline Transportation Systems-Pipeline Valves. This International Standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, manufacturing, testing and documentation of ball, check, gate and plug valves for application in pipeline systems.
API 526
Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves. The standard is a purchase specification for flanged steel pressure relief valves. Basic requirements are given for direct spring-loaded pressure relief valves and pilot-operated pressure relief valves as follows: orifice designation and area; valve size and pressure rating, inlet and outlet; materials; pressure-temperature limits; and center-to-face dimensions, inlet and outlet.
API 527
Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves R(2002). Describes methods of determining the seat tightness of metal- and soft-seated pressure relief valves, including those of conventional, bellows, and pilot-operated designs.
Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer and Butt-welding. API Standard 594 covers design, material, face-to-face dimensions, pressure-temperature ratings, and examination, inspection, and test requirements for two types of check valves.
API 598
Valve Inspection and Testing. The standard covers inspection, supplementary examination, and pressure test requirements for both resilient-seated and metal-to-metal seated gate, globe, plug, ball, check, and butterfly valves. Pertains to inspection by the purchaser and to any supplementary examinations the purchaser may require at the valve manufacturer’s plant.
Metal Plug Valves – Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends. A purchase specification that covers requirements for metal plug valves with flanged or butt-welding ends, and ductile iron plug valves with flanged ends, in sizes NPS 1 through NPS 24, which correspond to nominal pipe sizes in ASME B36.10M. Valve bodies conforming to ASME B16.34 may have flanged end and one butt-welding end. It also covers both lubricated and nonlubricated valves that have two-way coaxial ports, and includes requirements for valves fitted with internal body, plug, or port linings or applied hard facings on the body, body ports, plug, or plug port.
API 602
Compact Steel Gate Valves – Flanged, Threaded, Welding, and Extended-Body Ends. The standard covers threaded-end, socket-welding-end, butt-welding-end, and flanged-end compact carbon steel gate valves in sizes NPS4 and smaller.
Corrosion-Resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate Valves – Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends. The standard covers corrosion-resistant bolted bonnet gate valves with flanged or butt-weld ends in sizes NPS 1/2 through 24, corresponding to nominal pipe sizes in ASME B36.10M, and Classes 150, 300, and, 600, as specified in ASME B16.34.
Fire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter Turn Valves. The standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of straightway, soft-seated quarter-turn valves when the valves are exposed to certain fire conditions defined in this standard. The procedures described in this standard apply to all classes and sizes of such valves that are made of materials listed in ASME B16.34.
API 609
Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug- and Wafer-Type. The standard covers design, materials, face-to-face dimensions, pressure-temperature ratings, and examination, inspection, and test requirements for gray iron, ductile iron, bronze, steel, nickel-base alloy, or special alloy butterfly valves that provide tight shutoff in the closed position and are suitable for flow regulation.
Fire Test for Valve with Automatic Backseats. The standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of API Spec 6A and Spec 6D valves with automatic backseats when exposed to specifically defined fire conditions.
Referenced Standards for Committee 6, Standardization of Valves and Wellhead Equipment.
API 11V6
Design of Continuous Flow Gas Lift Installations Using Injection Pressure Operated Valves. The standard sets guidelines for continuous flow gas lift installation designs using injection pressure operated valves.
Recommended Practice for Repair, Testing, and Setting Gas Lift Valves. The standard applies to repair, testing, and setting gas lift valves and reverse flow (check) valves.
API 520-1
Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries: Part I – Sizing and Selection. The recommended practice applies to the sizing and selection of pressure relief devices used in refineries and related industries for equipment that has a maximum allowable working pressure of 15 psig (1.03 bar g or 103 kPa g) or greater.
API 520-2
Recommended Practice 520: Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries-Part II, Installation. The recommended practice covers methods of installation for pressure-relief devices for equipment that has a maximum allowable working pressure of 15 psig (1.03 bar g or 103 kPa g) or greater. It covers gas, vapor, steam, two-phase and incompressible fluid service.
Inspection Practices for Piping System Components. The standard covers the inspection of piping, tubing, valves (other than control valves) and fittings used in petroleum refineries.
Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices. The recommended practice describes the inspection and repair practices for automatic pressure-relieving devices commonly used in the oil and petrochemical industries.
The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry with the aims of providing technically sound, cost-effective and safe equipment for oil and gas operations following years of development in the North Sea.
- M650 = Qualification of manufacturers of special materials
- M630 MDS = Material data sheets
- M501 = Norsok painting specification
- VDS = Valve data sheet
- EDS = Element data sheet
- VSK = Valve specification key
TR2000 is a Piping and Valve Specification System, developed by Statoil. The basic principles of the system is to standardize requirements to components and to tailor the menu of Piping Class Sheets ( PCS) to each plant´s need, i.e. process requirements.